You hear a lot about work-life balance these days. Many people put work-life balance above the amount of money they will be making when it comes to looking for a job. It may be something you need to consider in your current job as well.
You wonder what this has to do with weight loss. Losing weight is about what you eat, but it is also about what makes you want to eat even if you are not hungry.
People use food for comfort for many reasons. The most common reasons for emotional eating are boredom, stress, anger and loneliness.
Being overwhelmed by work, family or anything else can lead to emotional eating as a way of feeling better.
While this feeling of comfort is only temporary, it still gives us what we are looking for at that moment.
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What is Work-Life Balance?
Work-life balance is a term commonly used to describe the balance that a working individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life.
Areas of life other than work–life can include, but it is not limited to personal interests, family and social or leisure activities.
The more you can keep all the parts of your life in balance the easier it will be to make healthy choices in other areas of your life including what you eat.
One of the best ways to find out if you are devoting too much time to one area of your life is to create a chart of how you are spending your time.
Take each 15-minute increment of the day and mark it is family, work, sleep or personal. Do you notice any of the categories being excessive?
Do you notice any categories that need more time devoted to them?
Once you know if your life is balanced, you can adjust the areas that are out of alignment.
Living a life of stress not only impacts us emotionally, but it can also have physical consequences.
Heart attack, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system are just a few of the things that can result from being over stressed for long periods of time.
Plan Out Your Work Day
Having goals for each day with a manageable “to do” list will help you get things accomplished while reducing the chances of becoming overwhelmed.
Be realistic about workloads and deadlines. Prioritize important tasks and eliminate nonessential items. Don’t be afraid to say “no” or ask for help when you need it.
Make the Most of Your Time at Work
In other words…make efficiency a priority. If a project is large and you get stuck, break it down into smaller chunks and work on them first thing in the morning when your mind is still strong and it is easier to avoid procrastination.
Make sure you complete the first task before you move on. Take small breaks regularly as you work through your day.
If the process for the project is counterproductive, work with your boss to come up with a more efficient way of working through the project.
The more time you can save at work, the more time you will have for fun away from work.
Request a Flexible Schedule
If you spend your time working from a computer, you most likely have the capability to work from locations other than a traditional office.
Many companies are adopting flexible work schedules as well as work from home days. It has been shown that flexible work schedules promote productivity and employee loyalty.
Take Five
You should take a five-minute break every hour. I tend to take a break when I am at a convenient stopping point.
There are no hard rules about breaks, but they do tend to give stress relief and clear your head. Avoid burnout by taking a short time away from the grind.
Listen to Music
Music can have a calming effect and experts say it helps with concentration. It is also said to stimulate creativity. I am a person that works better with quiet.
For the person that enjoys music, there are all types as close as your computer or cell phone. I have many friends that like to work from the soundtrack of “Hamilton”.
Pick out your favorite artist and reduce your workday stress.
Communicate Openly
Don’t be afraid to tactfully let coworkers and your manager know when there are problems. Try thinking of practical alternatives that can work for your situation.
Look at other points of view with an open mind. For me, everything always seems a little clearer if I sleep on it for 24 hours and look at the situation again. When a situation is complicated, not making an immediate decision often works best.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
We all make mistakes. Beating yourself up will not accomplish anything. Look at the situation and think about what you could have done differently to avoid the mistake and then move on.
Having a work-life balance can go a long way in reducing stress and making your life easier. But what does your home life balance look like? Could it use some revamping? Here are some great tips for enjoying a more relaxed home life.
The way we work today has changed a lot. Many people log on to a computer and work from their home. It can be easy to log on at dawn and log off at dusk and ignore lunch.
Be aware of the time you are working and disconnect at the end of the day. If you are on vacation, enjoy the time.
Don’t spend your time trying to solve the companies problems. I have seen very effective employees put strict limits on their time. They will not give up family time for company “emergencies”.
Delegate Responsibilities
It is no family member’s responsibility to own all of the home tasks. Divide and conquer. Give each family member tasks they are responsible for so everyone can enjoy fun time and personal time.
Don’t Overbook Yourself
You cannot be all things to everyone. Learn to say “no” when necessary. If you become known as the “‘go to” person, your schedule will always be overcrowded.
It is up to you to manage your time and allow time for life.
Stay Active
Find time for fitness. Regular exercise reduces stress, depression and anxiety, and enables people to better cope with adversity, according to researchers.
If your schedule is tight, walk at lunch. You can even walk in place at your desk.
Be Good to Yourself
Having a healthy body increases your tolerance to stress and helps you fight illness. Eat right, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
Avoid coping by using substances, such as; drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
Get Support
Support can come in many forms. It can be as easy as talking to a family member or a friend to get another point of view on issues you are dealing with at work or home.
People with strong support systems have less stress and illness as a result of stronger immune systems.
Use Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
EAP offers a resource for referrals for mental health and other daily services that you may need, such as; daycare, eldercare and substance abuse services.
Now When to Ask for Help
You can’t always do everything by yourself and there is strength in knowing when to ask for help.
If you are consistently overwhelmed, there are mental health professionals that can help.
What Does Work-Life Balance Look Like to You?
You may wonder what work-life balance has to do with weight loss? Being healthy is all about living a balanced life and not spending too much time in any one area of your life whether it is working or caring for others.
It is almost impossible to accomplish personal goals, such as losing weight if you are spending all of your time doing other things.
Take some time to figure out what “balance” looks like to you and make a plan to achieve it in the upcoming weeks. Nothing feels better than enjoying life after you have worked hard!
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