19 Awesome Quotes That Will Motivate You To Lose Weight

You have probably seen the weight loss quotes for motivation that are meant to give you the inertia you need to improve your life by shedding the unwanted pounds. And that is great if they are motivating you to get healthy.

Motivational Quotes

The problem is the traditional weight loss and fitness quotes have never done much for me.

Here are five that I see all the time and if looking at them every morning motivates you to do what you know is right for your health, then you are ahead of the game.

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Weight Loss and Fitness Quotes

What if not losing weight was going to cost you money? If you are struggling with obesity, your weight is probably already costing you money.

How motivated would you be to lose weight if you knew you were going to have to write a check at the end of 12 months if you did not reach your weight loss goal?

What would you do to stay motivated to stick with a plan? Motivational quotes for weight loss are a great way to keep your eye on the prize.

These quotes can be applied to almost any goal you are trying to accomplish.

Whether it is about business or health, many quotes will work for more than one thing in your life.

If you are into quotes, it is about having a few in your toolbox (or purse) that will motivate you to do the next right thing for yourself.

Here are some of my favorite weight loss quotes for motivation:

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
— Walt Disney.

My version…the way to get started is to get off the couch and begin doing. Even if you only doing something for 10 – 15 minutes.

The endorphins released can be enough to make you change negative behaviors.

“Some people dream of success while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”

This can apply to almost anything…business, weight loss, raising children. The people that build a successful business or change their health are the ones that leave the sidelines and take action.

“Success is 20% strategy and 80% mindset.”

There is not much I can say about this one except it is the simple truth. You ask anyone that has quit smoking about their mindset before they made the decision to quit.

They will tell you how “badly” they wanted it. That “wanting it” mindset is what made them push through to success.

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”
— Fred Devito

Anything worth having takes work, but accomplishing these things will give you power. Imagine how powerful you would feel if you lose 100 pounds, payoff $50,000 in debt or build a business that replaces the income of a fulltime corporate job. Bite the bullet and leave your comfort zone to live the dream.

Weight Loss Quotes

“When we are no longer able to change the situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.”

— Victor Frankl

A dream (or goal) is up to you. I guess you can wait for it to happen, but your chances are far better if you make a plan and challenge yourself to make it happen. What is your plan for creating a fit life?

“Time is more valuable than money. You can always get more money, but you can never get more time.”

What does this have to do with your health? If you don’t have your health, it will eventually cost you time and money.

Taking care of your health now will give you quality time in the future to do the things that you are truly passionate about.

“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life, is the moment you can change anything in your life.”
— Hal Elrod

Generally, when a person is overweight, there are many factors at play. And it is common for there to be a pile of excuses as to why changes cannot be made.

I don’t have the time to cook, I don’t have the money to eat healthy, I can’t stick with a food plan…there is an endless number of excuses for not being able to do something. Instead of saying “I can’t”, why not say, “what do I need to do to make this happen.”

“Success rewards implementation, not knowledge.”

You can have all the knowledge in the world, but unless you put it to use by taking action it does not have much value.


“People will judge you regardless, so be who you wanna be.”

Living your life to please others or create their dreams will suck the life out of you. Keep your eye on the prize and the plan to achieve it regardless of others.

Others can be part of your dream, but your focus comes first.

“Those who don’t make time for exercise will eventually have to make time for illness.”
— Edward Stanley

And there it is…the choice is yours. The best thing I ever did for my health was to start walking regularly. Most of us sit way too much as it is.

A simple exercise plan is better than nothing. It will go along way in keeping the doctor away.

“If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any.”
— Jim Collins

I know some of these quotes don’t have an obvious connection to weight loss. Funny think about being overweight…it is not usually about the food.

Stress is a huge factor in emotional eating, having only 3 priorities can help you get things done and limit the stress as well.

In the morning (or the evening before) jot down your 3 priorities and leave the rest for another time.

“You are in control of your life. Don’t ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made.”
— Barbara Hall

Just because you are not where you want to be in life does not mean that you cannot get there.

Start changing your choices one decision at a time and you will improve your health, financial situation or relationships.

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it: and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”
— Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

I find emotions to be very powerful. They can make you or break you. It’s all about perception.

You can see any situation as negative or positive. The choice is yours. Try to see something good in at least 80% of the stressful situations you are faced with.


Humorous Quotes

“My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four, Unless there are three other people.”
— Orson Welles

There is not much to say about humor, but it can really get the point across without looking for a hidden meaning and it can lift your mood.

For a person that suffers from depression, a 30-minute comedy is a great medicine and it does not cost a thing.

“I’ve been on a constant diet for the past 2 decades. I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.”
— Erma Bombeck

This is so true. I know so many people that are on a “diet” rollercoaster. They are up and down many times over a period of years.

“No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.”
— Covert Bailey

You will drive yourself crazy if you focus on eliminating one food type from your diet completely, such as; fat or carbs.

Being healthy is about balance and not BMI. Being healthy is not only about the physical body, it is about our mind and spirit as well.

“I’ve been on a diet for 2 weeks, and all I have lost is 2 weeks.”
— Totie Fields

The sad thing about being overweight is that we often don’t know the feeling of hunger. We eat whenever we want whether we are truly “hungry” or not. Intuitive eating is a skill that can be developed.

“Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, bending over backward, lying down on the job, sidestepping responsibility, and pushing their luck.”
— Anonymous

Regular exercise is a process, and it can be built 10 minutes at a time. But it has to be a little more substantial than the above list.

“The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price.”
— Vince Lombardi

If it is worth having it is work putting some effort into attaining it. Not everything comes easy, but if you are willing to do what it takes the prize at the end of the journey awaits.

The world is full of meaningful quotes that can help you stay motivated, make you think about life and even make you laugh. Some will even make you angry.

I find one of the best ways to stay motivated is to start off each day with a meaningful quote or affirmation as part of my morning routine.

Like to journal? Pick several of your favorite quotes and start the day off by writing one in your journal and living by it for the rest of the day.

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